usecure featured on the BBC's 'CEO Fraud' segment [video]

usecure was recently featured on BBC’s Morning Live during a segment dedicated to raising awareness about the growing threat of CEO fraud.

This segment, which forms part of a broader initiative to educate the public on cybersecurity risks, used one of usecure's phishing simulation templates from our uPhish feature to demonstrate how cybercriminals exploit vulnerabilities in human behaviour to carry out devastating scams.


Already have a usecure account? You can test user vulnerability to this exact phishing template in the uPhish library.

Understanding CEO Fraud: A real threat to businesses

The BBC segment provided a detailed walkthrough of how CEO fraud, a type of phishing attack, is orchestrated by cybercriminals.

Here’s a summary of the key steps involved, as highlighted on the show:

  • Acquisition of sensitive information: The attackers start by purchasing sensitive details, such as usernames and passwords, from the dark web. These details often include credentials that have been leaked or stolen in previous data breaches, giving criminals a foothold into company systems.
  • Email account compromise: With these credentials, the attackers hack into company email accounts, typically those belonging to senior executives or employees with high-level access. This allows them to monitor internal communications and gather intelligence on the company’s operations.
  • Deceptive communication: Posing as a high-level executive, the attackers send urgent and seemingly legitimate emails to employees, often demanding immediate action. These emails are designed to create a sense of panic or urgency, compelling the recipient to transfer funds or share confidential information without verifying the request.
  • Covering their tracks: To ensure their activities go unnoticed, the scammers delete sent emails and set up inbox rules that divert any responses to the archive or trash. This allows them to continue the scam without raising any red flags within the company.

How uPhish helps mitigate the risk

We understand the importance of preparing employees to recognise and respond to such sophisticated attacks.

Our uPhish feature is designed to simulate real-world phishing scenarios, like the one demonstrated on the BBC, to help organisations identify vulnerabilities in their human firewall.

CEO Fraud - Phishing email example.

By exposing employees to realistic phishing attempts in a controlled environment, uPhish helps to build awareness and improve response rates, ultimately reducing the likelihood of a successful attack.

Stay ahead of cyber threats

CEO fraud is just one of the many threats that businesses face in today’s digital landscape. By staying informed and investing in employee training and phishing simulations, organisations can significantly reduce their risk of falling victim to these types of scams.

To learn more about how usecure can help safeguard your business against phishing attacks and other cyber threats, visit our on-demand demo hub.