New in September: Product Roadmap and Direct Managers
Learn about and give feedback on new features with the Product Roadmap
We now have a public Product Roadmap where you can find all the features we are planning, working on and testing for release. You can also give feedback on how important upcoming features would be to you - as well as submit your own feature requests for consideration.
Keep line managers up-to-date with Direct Manager weekly summaries
You can now assign users a Direct Manager. Direct Managers receive weekly summaries of the training, testing and policy signing progress of the employees they've been assigned, and are independent of user groups. This means that if you use groups to organise departments or office locations, you can still ensure users' line managers are kept up to date.
Users -> Select (a single) user -> Actions -> Edit User -> Type in or select a user from the drop-down under the Manager field -> Save
Channel Events: Where you've missed us and where to catch us next
This year has seen in-person events back in full swing, and we have been making appearances in events across the world to connect with our partners face to face. Find out what we've been up to and where you can catch us next in our blog below.

That's it for this month - see you on the usecure app!