New in August: Animated Micro Phishing Training and more

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New courses

Brad's Marvellous Micro Phishing Training

‘Brad’s Marvellous Micro Phishing Training’ directly addresses users who have fallen for a phishing simulation, making it a perfect course to use for the uPhish Inline Training option.

This course features a custom animation featuring Cyberto and the usual cast, and walks users through why they’ve received this additional training, what the potential ramifications of falling for phishing emails are, and how they can stay safe in the future.

Simply pick ‘Brad’s Marvellous Micro Phishing Training’ as your inline training option on your next uPhish simulation to train your users.

Create a simulation now

Brads Marvellous Micro-Phishing Course-high (3)


UK Anti-Bribery Courses

We’ve just released two new courses on the UK Bribery Act (2010).

The Bribery Act (UK): Introduction serves as an introduction to the Act, explaining to users what constitutes bribery, who must follow the act and what consequences incidences of bribery could result in.

The Bribery Act (UK): Understanding Compliance delves deeper into compliance under the Bribery Act, training users on the measures companies should implement to stay compliant and reduce the risk of bribery. It also addresses potential grey areas regarding gifts and hospitality.

Enrol your users through the uLearn Course Library today.

Open Course Library

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Typosquatting Course

This course offers training on typosquatting scams, in which cybercriminals register website domain names that closely resemble legitimate URLs.

Victims may unintentionally visit these fraudulent sites if they make a spelling mistake when trying to access a legitimate site.

This course walks users through the different techniques used by cybercriminals to create typosquatting scams, the potential consequences for both individuals and businesses, and the steps they can take to protect themselves.

Enrol your users on ‘How to Avoid Typosquatting Scams’ from the uLearn Course Library today.

Open Course Library

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New templates

60+ New Danish, Portuguese and Norwegian Templates

Train users in their native language with our newest phishing templates. These templates cover some of the most popular brands and productivity tools in their respective regions, and make for a great choice in initial simulations for prospective customers.

Find the new phishing templates in the uPhish library today.

Create a simulation now



That's all for this month. See you around on the usecure platform!