New in June: Role Based Access, Text Pests training and more

View a quick round-up of everything new on the usecure app ⬇️

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New features

Easily configure admin permissions with Role Based Access

Role Based Access allows you to set pre-determined roles and customise permissions for specific admin users so that they can access only the areas of the platform necessary for their role.

You can assign admins varying levels of platform permissions, or provide access only to specific products within the usecure app.

Options Cog -> Admin Users


New courses

Find these new courses in the uLearn Course Library now. 

What Are Text Pests?

Text pests are people who use customer details to send inappropriate or offensive messages. Text pests are most commonly encountered through delivery services and other online apps that allow third-party providers to carry out orders through a centralised service. 

What are Interactive Voice Response Scams (IVR)?

Scammers often make use of automated voices in order to trick people into giving up sensitive information over the phone. Learn how your phone number could be exposed, how to identify IVR scams, what consequences you may face and how you can protect yourself.

Staying Compliant with Quebec's Law 25

Quebec’s data protection law, Law 25, sets strict guidelines for businesses operating in or with end users residing within its borders. Discover what information Law 25 protects, the obligations companies have, the repercussions for non-compliance and what best practices companies should adopt.

What is the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Safeguards Rule?

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Safeguards Rule sets strict standards for protecting financial information in the United States. Learn who the Rule applies to, how to stay compliant and what the consequences of non-compliance are.

Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Safeguards Rule for Managers

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Safeguards Rule sets strict standards for protecting financial information in the United States. Learn who the Rule applies to, how managers can ensure compliance among their team and what the consequences of non-compliance are.

What is the Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL) in China?

China adopted the Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL) in 2021, granting individuals rights related to the collection, storage and processing of their personal information. Like many other data protection laws, PIPL extends past China’s borders. Learn who PIPL applies to, what your obligations are, what penalties you may face and how you can remain compliant.




Here's where you can catch the usecure team this month...



That's all for this month! See you around on the usecure platform.