usecure Blog

New in July: DPDA and PCI DSS training, new templates and more

Written by Micke Ahola | 28 June 2024 7:51

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New courses

Training on India's Digital Personal Data Protection Act

The Parliament of India passed the Digital Personal Data Protection Act in August 2023.  When the act comes into force, it will set clear standards and expectation for the collection, processing and retention of personal data. It will apply to all companies operating or based within India's borders.

Give your customers a head start by training users on India's DPDP Act today.

  • Introduction to the Digital Personal Data Protection Act (India) - your overview course for all end users.
  • Digital Personal Data Protection Act for Managers (India) - your training course for managers.

PCI DSS training, now updated to PCI DSS 4.0

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard was created by the leading payment card providers to help reduce fraud and increase the security of card payments. Adherence is mandated by the leading card brands, and so training end users on the latest version of the standard is key to compliance.

Find PCI DSS 4.0 in the Course Library today.



New templates

Refreshed Microsoft templates

We know that the Microsoft templates are amongst the most popular in our library. It's no wonder why - a huge number of businesses use the Microsoft 365 software, and scams based around Microsoft products are some of the most common.

We now feature refreshed Microsoft phishing templates in our library, including QR-code and attachment-equipped templates. Search 'Microsoft' in the template library to get started!

Create a new simulation now.


250+ new Cloud Services templates

In the last month, we released over 250 new phishing templates in cloud services. These include templates for a wide range of cloud products, as well as new templates in languages including French, German, Spanish and Dutch. 

New template highlights:

  • New Canva templates
  • New Salesforce templates
  • 250+ new translated variants in French, German, Spanish, Dutch and Swedish

Browse 'Cloud Services' templates in the uPhish library today to test your users.




Here's where you can catch us this month

Channel Daze, Online (July 22 - August 2) Register now.

Channel Daze is an online giveaway for IT Professionals. Within a 10-day period, over $17k of prizes and cash will be given away. To win, you must be an eligible IT Professional in the UK, US or Canada (excluding Quebec).

ChannelCon 2024, Atlanta, US (July 30 - August 1) Register now.

ChannelCon 2024 is the world’s leading education, networking and partnering event for technology professionals. Hear from industry leaders, network with peers, and meet with the leading vendors in the IT field.


That's all for this month.  See you around on the usecure platform!