usecure Blog

New in August: Access expired trials, restore deleted users and more

Written by Micke Ahola | 2 August 2022 10:48

Easily access data from expired trials to complete your sale

The two-week free trial period offered by usecure to all of your clients is key to making a sale. It allows you to demonstrate the value of the platform and show your client how easy it is for their own end users to fall for phishing scams.

You can now access trials after the two-week trial has expired, ensuring that you can grab all the data you'll need to finalise your sale and bring your client onboard.

uService -> Customers -> Admin


Restore deleted users and their data

Sometimes an employee who has left a company returns and needs to have their training resumed. Other times you may simply delete a user by accident. Either way, you can now restore any deleted users from your client accounts with just a few clicks - along with all their course, policy and phishing progress.

Users -> Restore Users -> Select users to be restored -> Restore Users


Download all course certificates for a single user

You may want to collect all course certificates for a user for recording or management purposes. Downloading all certificates for a user is now possible through a user's pop-up window on the Users page, and through their uLearn report.

Users -> Click a user's name -> scroll down to Enrolled Courses -> Download All Certificates


Educate your clients on the effectiveness of HRM with our new white-labelled case study

Case studies help clients understand the risk they face, how solutions to address that risk works and what impact it can have in a real-world scenario. With our newest white-labelled case study, you can easily show your clients how your HRM solution will reduce the chances of their employees falling for phishing emails and other cyber risks.

We've also made it easy for you to add your own branding to the case study with our Canva template!

That's all for this month - see you around on the usecure platform!